Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Just over 7 weeks to go

Okay, I am getting really brave here. I am only posting these because I have had requests from friends and family out of state who want to see my belly. Today was an overcast and gloomy day but while I was working, it caught my attention. I set up the shot and had Derek come in a snap a couple of pictures. I am getting so close to having this baby and being pregnant no longer. I have promised my self to really enjoy this process. I cannot wait to meet our new daughter!


Endearing Studios said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the photos!!! It's good to know your husband is good at something besides yelling at people =)...just kidding... I figured he would get a kick out of that. You look BEAUTIFUL!!!! I wish I could see you in person.

Anonymous said...

Who's that talking about MY little baby derek???? You do look beautiful my oven. Thanks for round three :) love ya!
