Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July!!!

Today was a fun day. Derek and I went and saw Transformers with Suzy and Sam and the girls went over to Papa and Mimi's. Then we picked up the girls and went swimming with Suzy,Sam and Ray. After swimming we came home and got ready for a bar-b-que at our house with Papa, Mimi, Justin, Danielle, Suzy, Sam, Grammy, Ray and Bear. We also had our friends the Farris's over also. We had some great grub and even had time to sing Happy Birthday to Sam. Then, it was off to the rodeo. We all had a great time and it was a very happy 4th!!
Peyton on her horse

Kj and Daddy with her horse

No hands!!!

The music got a little too loud for Peyton

Kj took this self portrait of herself!!


Auntie said...

look how tan the girls are....looks like you guys had alot of fun....wish we were you guys...