Thursday, July 26, 2007

This girl is 100% entertainment!!!

Here is a picture of Kennedy today. She came into my office while I was working wearing my boots. Earlier this morning while I was checking my email she decided to put bright red lipstick in her eyebrows. I tried to get it off, so it might be hard to see. Did I mention the afro??? Okay and to top it all off, she has a green fruit snack stuck in the bottom of her front teeth!! She loves the song by Shania Twain...I feel like a woman. I thought this would be a perfect opportunity for her to show you her dancing skills. Enjoy!! Watch out American Idol, Kennedy will be ready for your bloopers tape in a couple of years!!!

Here is the next Shania Twain

Matthew Leigh Edwards is here!!!

Here he is. My newest cousin, Matthew Lee. He is so dang cute. He was born on Tuesday and we were able to go visit him last night. Mom and Dad are doing very well and seem VERY happy. The girls loved holding him and it made me even more excited for our new baby to come.

Camping at Mt. Hood

Peyton and Bentley

Peyton and Majestic playing games

Kennedy and my Uncle Paul

Justin and Dani

Justin....a little tipsy

Justin, Sam and my cousins Jesse and Buddy

Here are a couple pictures from our recent trip to Mt. Hood. We meet up every year with my mom's side of the family and go camping. It was very fun this year and the girls had a blast! We were even lucky enough to have daddy show up and surprise us!

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Orioles win!!!

Here we are at the game at Safeco field. As you can tell from the pictures, we had a great time.

What a nice big sister!

After eating, we went home to get ready for the Mariner game. Peyton helped KJ shower and washed her hair for the very first time. She is such a great big sister.

We could not pass up a trip to the Cheesecake Factory

After several hours at the zoo, we stopped in for a bite to eat at the Cheesecake factory. Man their food is great. I had some of their mashed potatoes. These are the best mashed potatoes ever!!! Justin, if you are reading this, I would prefer these mashed potatoes after my next delivery!! Can you make it happen?? =)

Trip to Seattle

We took a trip to Seattle to watch our friend Jeremy pitch against the Mariners. We had a wonderful time as a family and the girls had a blast. The day after we got to Seattle we took the girls to the zoo. At the zoo we were able to pay a little extra to have the girls feed the giraffes. They were so close to them, they could have touched them. We also were able to go and see the butterfly exibit they had there. It was a huge green house filled with butterflies that were friendly enough to land on you. We also got to see a lion roar, the girls said this was their favorite thing about the zoo trip.

Here they are ready for the zoo.

Look how close the girls were able to come to these giraffes!

This was a sight to see!

A couple of happy caterpillars.

There were 20 different species of butterflies in there.

A butterfly landed on Derek, the girls thought this was awesome.

Peyton LOVED the zoo!!

So did KJ!!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

A couple more pictures from Peyton's Camp

The PROUD sister

Saturday, July 14, 2007

The first pictures of baby Carmon

We got our first ultrasound the other day and were able to watch our newest little one while it was sleeping. We can hardly wait to meet this baby!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Cheerleading camp for Peyton

Today and the next two days, Peyton is attending a cheerleading camp. It is for 4.5 hours each day and she is already learning so much. She got tired today because it was really hot but we are resting her tonight so she will be ready for tomorrow. Look at her, isn't she cute?

Mommy and Kennedy cheer Peyton on!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

It has been so hot here lately

We had a 102 degree day followed by a 100 degree day. It has been so hot. Of course we made a trip to the pool but yesterday we had our friend Taylor over and we set up the slide to go into the kiddie pool. Then after that got old, we played in the sprinkler and bounced on the trampoline. Here is a shot of the girls before we ate our ice cream sandwiches to cool off.