Monday, March 24, 2008

One more shout out

Thanks Stephanie for working hard ALL day on a very special Easter dinner. My potatoes were soooo yummy and we really enjoyed hanging out with everyone.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Peyton is missing a front tooth

Peyton is so excited that tonight not only will the Easter Bunny be visiting but so will the Tooth Fairy! What more could a kid ask for??!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Her Daddy makes her SO happy!


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Riley after her bath

I took this right after Riley got out of the bath this morning. She is such a happy baby and she loves her baths! She is also sleeping through the night now. WAA HOO for me. What a big girl.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Peyton's new DO

I took Peyton to get her haircut yesterday. We were thinking maybe 2-3 inches but when we got there, she decided to donate her hair to Locks of Love. We ended up cutting about 8 inches off. She looks so grown up and loves her new haircut!



A big thanks to Grammy who bought mommy some Sandwich Express last night. It really hit the spot and saved me from making dinner. Thanks Steph!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

All of KJ's many faces

Tonight we were coloring Easter eggs. In the middle of the fun, I asked KJ to look at me with a smile. She looked up and started firing all of these expressions back at me. I looked back at my camera and she gave me all 12 of these looks in 14 seconds. She is sooo crazy. The lighting on these are terrible and I have no words for KJ's afro but these were too funny not to post.
