Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Look how happy she is!

Mom stopped by after getting her braces today. She looks so cute and the girls couldn't stop telling her how beautiful she looked. I agree. I am so happy for you mom, you've waited a long time for this and I cannot think of a more deserving person!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Anyone notice a resemblence here?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Suzy's Engagement

Last night Sam, Suzy, Derek and I all went downtown to dinner at Harborside Riverplace. Sam planned on asking Suzy to marry him right after dinner.

Here they are after Sam had asked Suzy and of course, she said YES!!! They look so happy.

What a beautiful ring Sam got her. Congrats you guys!

Wanna know why I am soooo happy?

I am going to be an Auntie of a new baby girl because my sister-in-law and brother are having a baby AND my sister and brother-in-law just got engaged! I am so happy and proud of all of them.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Riley's latest picture