not only with Kennedy but my new studio set up. When I say studio, I mean code for garage :) Kennedy, my not willing subject today came into the studio (garage) in her panties, needless to say I was able to capture this image!! I love it. My new lighting is gorgeous!! Just want to post it publicly that this would not have been possible without the help of my wonderful husband who transferred the entire garage to the other side, just so I can grow my business!! What an amazing man I have.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I am in love....
Posted by Jenni Carmon at 3:21 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Done for now!
I have finally finished my last class for my BS in Management. I finished with a 3.95 GPA and I am very happy about it, not that I get anything extra for it. So I will be done with school until the end of 2013 at which time I will begin again for my MBA through Marylhurst or U of O. I want to thank my wonderful wife for all of her love and support and my children for giving up their daddy for a few years. I am in debt to them. I also thank all of you who offered support and encouragement over the last couple of years.
Posted by Jenni Carmon at 3:52 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Trip out to the Pumpkin patch
Michelle had asked me if I took any pictures at the pumpkin patch and I told her no but I had forgot Derek snapped a few with his IPhone. Here you go Michelle.
Posted by Jenni Carmon at 3:36 PM 2 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Fourth of July beach trip with Mimi
My mom and I took the girls to Sherry's beach house for the Fourth of July this year. Here are a couple of Kennedy and Peyton enjoying the beach.
Posted by Jenni Carmon at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Horseback riding in June
Our friends took us out to ride their horses back in June. The girls loved it! Peyton asked me the other day if she could start horse lessons, I said sure, as soon as she gets a job to pay for them!
Check out how happy KJ is! She is such a goofball.
Posted by Jenni Carmon at 10:51 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Just a little late
Here are the girls on their first day of school. Peyton is a first grader and had to weat her Hannah Montana Shirt. Kennedy is in Preschool and was sporting the Dora backpack. They both are loving school right now (making it easy on Mommy)
You can tell here by Peyton's eyes, it has been an adjustment on everybody waking up at 7am, especially for me!
Posted by Jenni Carmon at 12:47 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I have been terrible!
My apologies for not keeping this blog up to date. This has been by far the craziest summer for us yet. Derek has 2 classes left and is studying for his Sargents test. My business is in full swing. Peyton has Tae Kwon Do each week and soccer is starting for both the girls next week.
We have done many fun things this summer which hopefully soon I will have time to blog about. We have been horseback riding, to the beach, traveled to California, went to Disneyland, Universal Studios, and Sea World. Not to mention Peyton and KJ learned how to ride a bike (Peyton doesn't need training wheels any more) and Peyton learned how to swim. I could go on and on. It has been very busy and fast paced but we have had alot of fun.
I will try to be better about posting. Here is a pic I took of KJ several weeks ago. She was all dressed up and twirling, you know I had to catch that!
Posted by Jenni Carmon at 12:35 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Look at the tear!
I still don't know what was so funny mom.
Posted by Jenni Carmon at 11:02 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
I am so proud
Here is us with our handsome, smart, loving, funny and very wonderful husband and father. He graduated from college yesterday and we are ALL so proud of him. Not only did Derek get his degree, he graduated with Honors and got straight A's. This is alot to accomplish considering his career as a Police Officer, being a father to three little girls, working with the youth in our church, supporting me with my photography business and still managing to be an incredible husband. I love this man with all of my heart and am so proud of him today and ALWAYS! Congratulations Derek, you are amazing!!
Posted by Jenni Carmon at 5:29 PM 3 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
The 4th of July
My girls and I along with MiMi spent 4th of July down at Sherry's beach house. I will post more images soon but here are two I caught at bathtime.
Posted by Jenni Carmon at 10:29 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Baby Natalie is here!
She arrived on June 21st at 4:29pm. She weighed 9lbs 3 oz and is 20.5 inches long. She is beautiful..little round face and lots of brown hair. I am so excited to get to know her.
Posted by Jenni Carmon at 9:14 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tilikum Day Camp
Peyton and I got to go on a field trip together on Tuesday. It was out at Tilikum Day camp. Peyton got to fish, canoe, sing, feed the animals, hike and cross the rope. She had a blast and I really enjoyed being with Peyton.
Here is a cute pic of Peyton before she got on the canoe.
On the canoe.
Peyton, not so sure she wants to cross the rope.
Her first step.
Almost lost her balance.
She is going to make it!
Posted by Jenni Carmon at 12:23 AM 0 comments
Peyton's school had a carnival the other night so I took the girls. Papa and Mimi met up with us and had some fun too!
Here is Peyton doing the rope climb. She made it to the top twice.
Look at that cheesy smile. Kennedy was so excited to win her new Beta fish. Now we get to see how long we can keep it alive!
Posted by Jenni Carmon at 12:17 AM 0 comments
One of the girls at the yellow belt test
Check out that hairdo. My girls do not grow hair on the side of their head until they are about 18 months old!
Posted by Jenni Carmon at 12:13 AM 1 comments
Peyton is a Rockstar!
Peyton went to a Rockstar birthday party a couple of weeks ago. It was really neat, they even had a green room and a stage. Here is Peyton looking cool in her High School Musical hat on the way to the party.
Posted by Jenni Carmon at 12:10 AM 0 comments