Saturday, June 30, 2007

Papa helps Peyton with softball

Peyton is lucky to have a Papa that knows so much about softball. He took her over to the school across the street today and taught her some things. Here are some pics.

Mimi takes the girls to Ratatouille

Today the girls got to go to a bouncing birthday party at Westside Dance Acadamey and then when that was over, Mimi took them to see Ratatouille. The girls really enjoyed the movie and Mimi said they were great. Kennedy is getting to the age where she can sit through the movie easier and Peyton never took her eyes off the screen.

Friday, June 29, 2007

A couple of me

Here are a couple of shots of me Derek took while I was photographing a wedding. Now you know what I look like in action!

Princess Party

Today the girls were invited to a princess party. They had a teenage girl there painting nails and giving manicures, it was so cute. The girls had a great time and kept up their tradition of eating only the frosting off the birthday cake. Maybe someday, they will actually EAT the cake =) This is a picture I tried to snap of them before the party. Notice anything weird.....Kj has a piece of Double Bubble in her mouth that she refused to take out! Oh well, beggars can't be choosers!

Just two recent pics of the girls

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Kennedy gets some eyebrows

Tonight I was working in my office when things got a little too quite. I heard something upstairs in my bathroom and thought I would check it out. When I arrived, I saw this cute face. Kennedy looked at me and said, "I got eyebrows!" She had taken my metallic eyeshadow and painted it all over her eyebrows. She was soooo proud of herself.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Peyton trys to rollerblade

The proud sister!

Derek and Peyton decided to go outside and try to rollerblade. She did pretty good for her first try but after awhile she figured out that she could stand better in the grass and then she never wanted to get off it!! We will give it another shot some other time.

Friday, June 15, 2007

My cute husband.....need I say more!!!